¡Hola! Welcome to my shop! I am an experienced Spanish Teacher who loves to create Spanish resources that look professional, are easy to use, and most importantly help students learn. For any issues please contact me at : spanish_learning@yahoo.com
¡Hola! Welcome to my shop! I am an experienced Spanish Teacher who loves to create Spanish resources that look professional, are easy to use, and most importantly help students learn. For any issues please contact me at : spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This bundle contains the lessons of Unit 4 (Free-time activities) of Theme 2 (Popular Culture) from the NEW AQA spec.
The lessons contain sentence builders of key vocab, tasks that target key skills needed in the GCSE exam and fun activities students can enjoy whilst also learning.
They’ve all been meticulously created to aid students in their success at the GCSE exam. These lessons DON’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
Each lesson can also be purchased individually if you wish to do so. I have also started working on Unit 5. Units 1, 2, and 3 are already available in my shop.
All lessons will be available in my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the fourth lesson of Unit 4 (Free-time activities ) in the Popular Culture Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice of the preterite tense
vocab practice
tangled translation
listening task (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
reading and writing tasks
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 3 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 1, 2, and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the third lesson of Unit 4 (Free-time activities ) in the Popular Culture Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
grammar revision of the present and future tense + practice tasks
mindreader vocab practice
reading tasks + translation task
listening slalom & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 1, 2, and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the second lesson of Unit 4 (Free-time activities ) in the Popular Culture Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
vocab practice
grammar explanations and practice of the present continuous
reading task + reading aloud practice
exam-style listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Unit 1, 2, and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the first lesson of Unit 4 (Free-time activities ) in the Popular Culture Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
grammar and practice of radical-changing verbs in the present tense
reading + dictation task
speaking practice
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 2,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Unit 1, 2, and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This bundle contains the lessons of Unit 3 (Education and Work) of Theme 1 (People and Lifestyle) from the NEW AQA spec.
The lessons contain sentence builders of key vocab, tasks that target key skills needed in the GCSE exam and fun activities students can enjoy whilst also learning.
They’ve all been meticulously created to aid students in their success at the GCSE exam. These lessons DON’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
Each lesson can also be purchased individually if you wish to do so. I have also started working on Theme 2. Unit 1 and 2 are already available in my shop.
All lessons will be available in my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the fourth lesson of Unit 3 (Education and Work ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice of the conditional tense
bingo for vocab practice
listening task (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
reading and speaking practice
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 3 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Unit 1 and 2 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the third lesson of Unit 3 (Education and Work ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
grammar explanations, examples and practice of the future tense
one pen one dice vocab practice
translation task
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Unit 1 and 2 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the second lesson of Unit 3 (Education and Work ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
vocab practice
grammar explanations and practice of comparative adjectives
reading task
listening & writing practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Unit 1 and 2 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the first lesson of Unit 3 (Education and Work ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder with key vocabulary
grammar and practice of telling the time
vocab practice
reading + bad translation task
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 2,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Unit 1 and 2 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This bundle contains the lessons of Unit 2 (Healthy Living and Lifestyle) of Theme 1 (People and Lifestyle) from the NEW AQA spec.
The lessons contain sentence builders or key vocab, tasks that target key skills needed in the GCSE exam and fun activities students can enjoy whilst also learning.
They’ve all been meticulously created to aid students in their success at the GCSE exam. These lessons DON’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
Each lesson can also be purchased individually if you wish to do so. I have also started working on Theme 2. Units 1 and 3 are already available in my shop.
All lessons will be available in my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the fourth lesson of Unit 2 (Healthy Living and Lifestyle ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
explanation of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice of the immediate future
vocab practice
reading + translation task
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 3 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 1 and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the third lesson of Unit 2 (Healthy Living and Lifestyle ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice of tener que + inf and deber + inf
listening & writing practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 1 and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the second lesson of Unit 2 (Healthy Living and Lifestyle ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice of question words in Spanish
mosaic writing
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 1 and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the first lesson of Unit 2 (Healthy Living and Lifestyle ) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice of expressions using tener
trapdoor activity
tangled transaltion
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 2,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 1 and 3 are also available in the shop!
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This bundle contains the lessons of Unit 1 (Identity & Relationships with others) of Theme 1 (People and Lifestyle) from the NEW AQA spec.
Each lesson contains sentence builders, tasks that target key skills needed in the GCSE exam and fun activities students can enjoy whilst also learning.
They’ve all been meticulously created to aid students in their success at the GCSE exam. These lessons DON’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
Each lesson can also be purchased individually if you wish to do so. I have also started working on Theme 2. Units 2 and 3 (Theme 1) are already available in the shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the fourth lesson of Unit 1 (Identity & relationships with others) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
reading activity
writing activity
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 3 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 2 and 3 are also available in the shop already.
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the third lesson of Unit 1 (Identity & relationships with others) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice
reading activity
listening & speaking practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,2, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 2 and 3 are also available in the shop already.
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the second lesson of Unit 1 (Identity & relationships with others) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice
reading activity
listening & writing practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided,to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 1,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 2 and 3 are also available in the shop already.
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com
This is the first lesson of Unit 1 (Identity & relationships with others) in the People and Lifestyle Theme of the new AQA GCSE 2026 Spanish spec.
You will find the following in this PPT:
sentence builder of key vocabulary
grammar explanations and practice
reading activity
listening & writing practice (no audio provided - teacher must read out texts provided to students)
This lesson doesn’t contain the activities from the new AQA book. They are different from what you will find in the book but I did follow a similar structure in terms of content.
The activities in the book are also well-planned and if you have access to them, I recommend using them in your lessons along with the activities created by me.
I have also uploaded in my shop lessons 2,3, and 4 of this unit and a bundle in case you want to buy all of them at a discount! Units 2 and 3 are also already available in the shop.
Visit the shop here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/SenoritaDi
For any queries please email me at: spanish_learning@yahoo.com